
Does this sound like you?

You have a mighty vision for the future

Your agenda is bigger than most people can comprehend

You’re successful because you take action and make things happen

You pride yourself on your ability to solve problems

You don’t need help, you want insights to expand whats possible

You want to see the unknowns, so you can embrace them

You are energised and ready to invest in the start of a new chapter

Reach the next level

Being a high achiever your vision often is so big, others struggle to see or keep up with you. Your success has all eyes on you. It comes with great responsibility, with commitments that weigh you down at times, and even bring moments of loneliness.

Those who have coaches excel, not because they need help, but because they know the benefit of collaborative working. They know that having smart people by their side will help to proactively push them to the next level.

A coach knows how to meet you where you are, dive straight into the detail and get you the clarity you need to know the best next play. It is the trifecta of all sights. Hindsight, foresight, and insight.

The Experience

Candice Quartermain coaching

Every coaching experience is unique.

Generally the framework is similar and follows something like this:

  • We begin with your stories. These are the thoughts that are front of mind, informing your challenges, decisions, actions, and feelings.

  • I listen intently, recognising facts, patterns, and emotions.

  • We zoom out and explore each, identifying strengths, opportunities, blind spots, or blockers.

  • We then zoom in and identify the best next steps, align it to your vision, activate it through a strategy, and then leverage your mindset and energy to make it happen.

During the process, I will challenge your thinking, identify insights and provide options for exploration and experimentation.

Each session comes to a close when we have had a life changing insight that powerfully shifts your perspective.


Candice got me to the root of the issue and kept me going back until I broke through it. She is excellent at seeing small but obvious things that limit me. Thrilled to be learning and growing with her.

Jason Graham-Nye, CEO gCycle


Candice is a committed and attentive coach. She listens to my needs, uncovering great insights. Giving me such clarity. Every session aligns my focus, and gets me moving in exactly the right direction.

Jessica Weaver, CEO Shanti Space

How We Work

I only coach a handful of leaders at any given time.

Engagements are 6 or 12 months. Anything less limits our capability to create lasting results.

Intensive sessions and small group coaching can be provided. Best to email details.

When coaching on my roster you will get access to the community group, all training resources and events.

Coaching will be done face to face or via zoom.


Your Investment

Aside from the financial investment, there is also your time and energy, and a willingness to show up fully. It is critical to achieving success.

All coaching offers are by invitation only. You will be invited to a coaching experience first, before any offers are made.

Once we are a united YES! We can get started.

When you are ready, contact me here to request a powerful conversation.